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Xiao-bing, D. (1993) Changes in composition and structure of Vitex shrubland in northern China in relation to human disturbance. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 109-114.
CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants ]

Yanai, H. & Takane, Y. (1992) Canonical correlation analysis with linear constraints. Linear Algebra and its Applications 176, 75-89.
CCA; theory; ]

Yeates, G. W., Wardle, D. A. & Watson, R. N. (1993) Relationships between nematodes, soil microbial biomass and weed-management strategies in maize and asparagus cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25, 869-876.
DCCA; ecology, management; nematodes ]

Yoccoz, N. & Chessel, D. (1988) Ordination sous contraintes de relevés d'avifaune: éliminations d'effets dans un plan d'observations á deux facteurs. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 307, 189-194.
CCA, partial CCA; biogeography, ecology; birds ]

Young, T. P. & Peacock, M. M. (1992) Giant senecios and alpine vegetation of Mount Kenya. Journal of Ecology 80, 141-148.
CCA; ecology; vascular plants ]

Zobel, M. (1993) Changes in pine forest communities after clear-cutting: a comparison of two edaphic gradients. Annales Botanici Fennici 30, 131-137.
CCA; ecology, management; vascular plants, bryophytes ]

Reference not seen

Zhang, D.-J. (1990) The effect of grassland fragmentation on species richness and composition. Doctoral thesis, Oklahoma State University, 89 pp. (reference from M. W. Palmer).

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