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Edds, D. R. (1993) Fish assemblage structure and environmental correlates in Nepal's Gandaki river. Copeia 1993 (1), 48-60.
DCCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology, limnology; fish ]

Eilertsen, O. (1991) Vegetation patterns and structuring processes in coastal shell-beds at Akerøya, Hvaler, S.E. Norway. Sommerfeltia 12, 90 pp.
DCCA, hybrid analysis; ecology; vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens ]

Esler, K. J. & Cowling, R. M. (1993) Edaphic factors and competition as determinants of pattern in South African karoo vegetation. South African Journal of Botany 59, 287-295.
CCA, Monte Carlo tests; ecology; vascular plants ]

Eyre, M. D., Luff, M. L., Rushton, S. P. & Topping, C. J. (1989) Ground beetles and weevils (Carabidae and Curculionoidea) as indicators of grassland management practices. Journal of Applied Entomology 107, 508-517.
CCA; ecology, management; beetles, insects, weevils ]

Eyre, M. D., Foster, G. N. & Foster A. P. (1990) Factors affecting the distribution of water beetle species assemblages in drains of eastern England. Journal of Applied Entomology 109, 217-225.
CCA; ecology; beetles ]

Eyre, M. D., Rushton, S. P., Young, A. G. & Hill, D. (1992) Land cover and breeding birds. In Land use change: the causes and consequences, pp. 131-136. HMSO, London.
CCA, logistic regressions; ecology, ecological impacts; birds ]

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