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Davies, P. T. and Tso, M. K. -S. (1982). Procedures for reduced-rank regression. Applied Statistics. 31, 244-255.

Hill, M. O. (1979). DECORANA - A FORTRAN program for detrended correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging. Ecology and Systematics. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University.

Manly, B. F. (1990). Randomization and Monte Carlo methods in biology. London: Chapman and Hall.

Robert, P. and Escoufier, Y. (1976). A unifying tool for linear multivariate statistical methods: the RV-coefficient. Appl. Statist. 25, 257-265.

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1986). Canonical correspondence analysis: a new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology. 67, 1167-1179.

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987a). Ordination. In Data analysis in community and landscape ecology, R. H. G. Jongman, C. J. F. ter Braak, and O. F. R. van Tongeren (eds), 91-173. Wageningen: Pudoc.

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987b). The analysis of vegetation-environment relationships by canonical correspondence analysis. Vegetatio. 69, 69-77.

ter Braak, C. J. F. (1988). Partial canonical correspondence analysis. In Classification and related methods of data analysis, H. H. Bock (eds), 551-558. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

ter Braak, C. J. F. and Prentice, I. C. (1988). A theory of gradient analysis. Advances in ecological research. 18, 271-317.


Dr. Richard E. Furnas
Microcomputer Power Catalog
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