Microcomputer Power
Publishers of Software for Data Analysis in Ecology since 1987. |
Download the Canoco 5.15 Order Form
Canoco 5.15 is now available for distribution! We are actively filling orders for Canoco 5.15 on a first-come first served basis. If you want Canoco 5.15 as soon as possible, place your order now.
Version 5.15 brings multiple improvements.
❖ The most important change is the new, alternative method of performing Monte Carlo permutation tests: instead of permuting rows of response data (residualized with respect to covariates, for partial constrained ordinations), users can choose to permute rows of predictor table (residualized with respect to covariates in partial constrained ordinations).
❖ Differences between permuting predictors vs. response data are discussed in two research papers present in the "pdf" sub-folder of the Canoco 5 installation folder.
◊ one published - RDA_permutations.pdf
◊ one manuscript CCA_permutations_draft.pdf
❖ Functionality offered for dc-CA and dc-PCA analysis templates was further extended, with new graph types and an extended description of analysis results.
You will find further details in the Canoco 5.15 section of the Canoco Overview.
Address Orders or Inquiries to:
Richard E. Furnas. Ph.D.
Microcomputer Power
111 Clover Lane
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
1. Download the Canoco 5.15 Order Form
2. Send order to Dr. Furnas
◊ Email: FurnasR(at)microcomputerpower.com
◊ Postal Mail: at the Clover Lane address above.
All Canoco licenses are a one-time fee --NOT a subscription!
Canoco 5.15 is only available on physical media (CD and printed manual) |
Educational Licenses |
Retail Licenses |
Single License |
398.00 |
697.00 |
Additional License |
339.00 |
549.00 |
Site License |
3497.00 |
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10 Seat License |
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5497.00 |
10 Seat Additional |
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4999.00 |
❖ All prices are in United States Dollars (USD).
❖ A charge for shipping, handling and guaranteed delivery by post is added to all orders.
◊ For shipping locations outside the United States, the fee is 20% of the order total.
◊ For shipping locations in the United States the fee is 10% of the order total.
◊ Orders shipping to destinations in New York State must add sales tax or include a NY State tax-exempt ID number.
❖ US customers
◊ Pay by mailing a physical cheque.
◊ Inquire for ACH Bank Coordinates.
❖ International Customers
◊ In the likely event you wish to pay by an electronic payment or direct bank transfer, a $30 fee is included on the invoice to cover the costs of processing after the money has been received here.
◊ You are responsible for any originating bank fees.
◊ The $30 included on our invoice covers additional costs associated with any electronic transfer once a requested amount has been deposited in one of our accounts.
◊ You can make payments by direct bank transfer in many currencies, notably EUR, GBP, PLN. AUD, HUF, NZD, and SGD. Our invoice is only available in USD, but your transfer can be made at the exchange rate current at the time of the transfer. Bank details for such payments are available on request.
◊ You are responsible for all customs fees and bank fees to make a payment.
◊ Understand that we are a tiny, one-person business with customers in nearly every country in the world. Microcomputer Power cannot participate in any cost-sharing of such wildly unpredictable expenses.
◊ More traditional, but almost always much more expensive, you can also make a payment in USD by International Wire Transfer using SWIFT and account number. Inquire for bank details.
A 10 page PDF: Canoco Benefits and Features
See especially the Tables starting on Page 4 which are extracted directly from the Canoco Manual. The tables highlight not only the methods available, but also the depth of the Canoco package in assuring that you appropriately analyze your data with the tools Canoco has to offer. The final page showcases the Canoco Advisor expert system which encourages best practices informed by ongoing research in methodologies available in Canoco.
Breaking News: Canoco 5.15 unique capabilities!
Canoco 5.15 dc-CA analysis using Canoco:
Hay meadows' overriding effect shapes ground beetle functional diversity in mountainous landscapes in Ecosphere
Canoco 5.15 new permutation method in the Open research:
ter Braak, C. J. F. 2021. “Published Canoco Analyses: Canoco Projects with Descriptions.” Figshare. Data and Software.
Originally developed for use in the study of Forest and Meadow Communities, applications of Canoco have broadened to encompass the study of microbiomes.
Provides a novel way to deal with the various taxonomic levels by juxta-positioning the tables to form one big table with as many columns (one for each taxon at each level).
Möhlmann, T.W.R., Vogels, C.B.F., Göertz, G.P., Pijlman, G.P., ter Braak, C.J.F., te Beest, D.E., Hendriks, M., Nijhuis, E.H., Warris, S., Drolet, B.S., van Overbeek, L. & Koenraadt, C.J.M. (2020) Impact of Gut Bacteria on the Infection and Transmission of Pathogenic Arboviruses by Biting Midges and Mosquitoes. Microbial Ecology.
Uses several visualizations providing the opportunity to see how informative Canoco analyses can be.
Hartinger, T., Edwards, J.E., Gómez Expósito, R., Smidt, H., ter Braak, C.J.F., Gresner, N. & Südekum, K.-H. (2019) Differently Pre-treated Alfalfa Silages Affect the in vitro Ruminal Microbiota Composition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.
Textbooks |
Possible Sources |
Data Analysis in Community and Landscape Ecology Jongmann, ter Braak, van Tongeren (1995) |
https://nicebooks.com/search/isbn?isbn=978-9-022-00908-6 https://www.cheapesttextbooks.com/IM/?keyval=978-9-022-00908-6 |
Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data using CANOCO 5 Šmilauer and Jan Lepš (2014) |
https://nicebooks.com/search/isbn?isbn=978-1-107-69440-8 https://www.cheapesttextbooks.com/IM/?keyval=978-1-107-69440-8 |
Microcomputer Power Legal Identity
❖ Microcomputer Power is a d.b.a. (doing business as) sole proprietorship of Richard E. Furnas.
❖ For most banking and tax purposes, Microcomputer Power; Richard E. Furnas, d.b.a. Microcomputer Power; and Richard E. Furnas are the same entity.
❖ DUNS Number: 19-931-4253
❖ Federal Employer ID# (FEIN) 16-1324442
❖ For purposes of Federal Statistical Categories Microcomputer Power:
◊ is considered a small Business
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